Just having a website is no guarantee that your clients are running an effective online business.
Of course, there are many companies that can build and run a website for you. But that's a far cry from providing a proper business solution. That takes experience and specialist expertise. Since 1995 MidniteHour have been offering dedicated internet services and solutions to agencies that want to provide an enhanced service to their clients.
Unlike most web companies, we have an advertising background - so we're more than just technical designers. Unlike most web designers, we're developers who can write original, bespoke solutions that can fully exploit your clients’ resources. From concept to creation; from strategy, scripting, design and programming; from data management to website hosting - you can trust MidniteHour to support your client relationship. We work alongside you, remaining invisible to your client, or where required as part of your team under the umbrella of the agency.
You're here because you appreciate that the internet is no mere add-on to your marketing strategy, but an essential component. It provides a uniquely direct and interactive communication path with your client or customer. Sometimes it may even be the only effective way in which you can get together!
As such, you want to deal with professionals who treat your needs seriously, who can appreciate the value of your investment and have the same commitment to its ultimate success as you have.
Well, that’s MidniteHour for you!